Read. Write. Make Art.

Christine Aguila

Check Out these 10 TOP SOFT SKILLS Need for Today's Workforce!

1). Strong Work Ethic: Employers are looking for and value employees that can get to work on time each day, follow through on projects, get the job done the first time with minimal supervision and manage their time effectively while delivering quality results.

 2). Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills can include, but are not limited to: listening, presenting, and writing capabilities. Employees must have the ability to effectively communicate in-person and via company correspondence such as email. In addition, employees who are confident with their abilities to communicate effectively can often present new ideas and build influence in the workplace.

 3). Excellent Customer Service: Customer service is often times the one thing that can make or break a company’s reputation or revenue. The ability to provide excellent customer service is one of the most valuable traits that employers can have in any field.

4). Interpersonal Skills/Team Work: The ability to work on a team, relate to co-workers, manage and/or minimize conflict, build professional workplace relationships are valuable assets that employers in any industry look for when hiring a new employee.

5). Be Coachable: Mistakes happen and sometimes a coaching session from management may follow. The ability to accept constructive criticism/feedback and make adjustments to a project or workflow is not always an easy thing to do, but it is a necessary trait to have.

 6). Professionalism: Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines professionalism as: Good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. Professionalism is a soft skill that is expected from every employee. Professionalism is shown in many forms. It also relates to your social skills, social awareness and self- management abilities. It is often revealed through interactions with co-workers, managers, and clients/customers. A true professional is able to handle themselves in almost any work situation that may arise.

 7). Adaptability: Companies change, policies change, processes change. However, the ability to adapt and display your resilience in today’s rapidly changing environment shows that you are not only a team player, but it also shows leadership. In addition, adapting to a company’s culture is also very valuable. Adapting to the cultural of the company refers to how an employee’s values align with the organization.

8). Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to use your past experiences, available resources, and think critically to solve problems is a highlight for management across many organizations. It also enables employees to analyze work processes and discover new ways to complete them efficiently. Not only does this save an employer’s time, but it can also add to the bottom line. Problem solving can often lead to creativity and innovation.

 9) Focused and Flexible: Deadlines on projects can often change from day to day. Employees need to be able to adapt quickly and remain focused on meeting deadlines. For example, an employee may have just received an assignment and deadlines for the week. But, the next morning the manager decides everything needs to be shifted to arrive a day earlier. A flexible employee would be able to quickly adapt to these changes and prioritize tasks.

10). Tech Savvy: Computer and Technical Literacy may not always be measured as soft skills. However, in a digital world employees must have basic computer software skills. The ability to create a presentation or use technology to research can help an organization plan projects effectively, and it helps to make work processes flow better. Many companies are now testing candidates on their ability to use certain software programs and asking for examples of how they can demonstrate their technical skills.

​For more införmation, make an appointment at Truman's Career Planning and Placement Center
Written by the Career Planning and Placement Center - Larry McKeon Student Services Building, Room 162, Truman College, 1145 W. Wilson Avenue - Chicago, IL 60640 - Phone: 773-907-2477 Fax: 773-907-3999 Email: